
Kubernetes - Tools, Guides, References

Gineesh Gineesh Follow · 6 mins read
Kubernetes - Tools, Guides, References
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These are collection of reference documents and blog posts from different experts around.

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Kubernetes Cluster Management Tools

  • kubespray - Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster using Ansible.
  • kubeadm - Kubeadm is a tool built to provide kubeadm init and kubeadm join as best-practice “fast paths” for creating Kubernetes clusters.
  • kops - kOps - Kubernetes Operations
  • k9s - K9s is a terminal based UI to interact with your Kubernetes clusters. The aim of this project is to make it easier to navigate, observe and manage your deployed applications in the wild. K9s continually watches Kubernetes for changes and offers subsequent commands to interact with your observed resources.
  • kube-up.sh - deprecated.
  • Cluster API - Cluster API is a Kubernetes sub-project focused on providing declarative APIs and tooling to simplify provisioning, upgrading, and operating multiple Kubernetes clusters.
  • metalk8s - An opinionated Kubernetes distribution with a focus on long-term on-prem deployments
  • Rancher - Rancher is an open source project that provides a container management platform built for organizations that deploy containers in production. Rancher makes it easy to run Kubernetes everywhere, meet IT requirements, and empower DevOps teams.
  • kind - Kubernetes IN Docker - local clusters for testing Kubernetes
  • KubeSphere - Enterprise-grade container platform tailored for multicloud and multi-cluster management
  • Kubernetes Instance Calculator by learnk8s - You can use the calculator to explore the best instance types for your cluster based on your workloads.

Kubernetes Development Tools

Kubernetes Monitoring Tools

  • thanos- Thanos is a set of components that can be composed into a highly available metric system with unlimited storage capacity, which can be added seamlessly on top of existing Prometheus deployments.
  • prometheus - Prometheus, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts when specified conditions are observed.
  • grafana - The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
  • Kubewatch - Watch k8s events and trigger Handlers
  • cadvisor - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers

Kubernetes Network Policy Tools

  • kubepox - Kubernetes network Policy eXploration tool: A simple tools that allows you to query all the defined network policies, and associated affected Pods.
  • calico - Cloud native networking and network security
  • kokotap - Tools for kubernetes pod network tapping

Kubernetes Service Mesh Tools

  • traefik - The Cloud Native Application Proxy
  • istio - Connect, secure, control, and observe services.
  • kubernetes-ingress - NGINX and NGINX Plus Ingress Controllers for Kubernetes
  • autopilot - Autopilot is an SDK and toolkit for developing and deploying service mesh operators.
  • Network Policy Editor - by Cilium

Kubernetes Security Tools

  • kubestriker - A Blazing fast Security Auditing tool for kubernetes!!
  • terrascan - Detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.
  • Checkov - Prevent cloud misconfigurations during build-time for Terraform, Cloudformation, Kubernetes, Serverless framework and other infrastructure-as-code-languages with Checkov by Bridgecrew.
  • kube-bench- Checks whether Kubernetes is deployed according to security best practices as defined in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark
  • kubescape - kubescape is the first tool for testing if Kubernetes is deployed securely as defined in Kubernetes Hardening Guidance by to NSA and CISA
  • Falco - Cloud Native Runtime Security
  • Clair - Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers
  • Open Policy Agent (OPA) - An open source, general-purpose policy engine.
  • KubeLinter - A static analysis tool that checks Kubernetes YAML files and Helm charts to ensure the applications represented in them adhere to best practices.
  • Kube-hunter - Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters.
  • anchore-engine - A service that analyzes docker images and applies user-defined acceptance policies to allow automated container image validation and certification
  • grafeas - open-source artifact metadata API that provides a uniform way to audit and govern your software supply chain.
  • OpenSCAP - multiple tools.
  • Kubeaudit - audit your Kubernetes clusters against common security controls
  • Kubernetes Hardening Guidance

Kubernetes Tracing and Logging Tools

  • Loki - like Prometheus, but for logs.
  • elastic - Bring Kubernetes logs, metrics, and traces together
  • Kiali- Kiali provides answers to the questions: What microservices are part of my Istio service mesh and how are they connected?
  • jaeger - Distributed Tracing System

Kubernetes Command Line Utlities

Career in Kubernetes

Kubernetes Interview Questions

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid - TNG


Written by Gineesh Follow
Backpacker, Foodie, Techie

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